While knitting lace may seem like a tricky technique reserved for advanced knitters, expert knitwear designer Gabrielle Vézina is here to show you just how easy it can be!

With her best tips, tricks and techniques at the ready, you’ll soon be whipping up delightfully dainty and delicate knitwear in no time at all.

Lovely Lace Knits features 16 patterns, compiled in 4 inspiring collections that will set the mood for your next project.

With several photo tutorials, concise instructions and detailed techniques, knitters of any level will appreciate this book and the timeless projects that they will create.

Gabrielle will first guide you through all of the essential stitches for lace knitting mastery and how these stitches work together to create a gorgeous, open fabric.

You’ll also learn fun and easy ways to troubleshoot common problems, like those pesky dropped yarn-overs, and even ways you can play with gauge and yarn weight in your lacework to make your finished pieces beautifully and uniquely YOU!

From there, create any of the 16 stunning designs on offer to practice and perfect this gorgeous knitting technique.

Those new to knitting lace will feel confident casting on any project in the book, while more experienced knitters will be enthralled by the gorgeous variety of designs.

With Gabrielle’s focus on knitting as a way to avoid fast fashion and live more consciously, each design has been carefully curated to become a timeless addition to a sustainable, long-lasting wardrobe.

View pattern images and specifications here on Ravelry



Lovely Lace Knits

Julie Asselin Distribution

CAD $29.95
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