Wool is an incredible renewable, biodegradable, hygroscopic, hypoallergenic natural fibre. It can also provide many benefits for our soils and plants.

Wool is undervalued in Canadian Agriculture. It is seen as a by-product of the lamb industry and in many cases farmers are burning, composting or trashing their yearly wool clip.

These Wool Pellets are a low-cost way to transform that wasted wool into a marketable product that supports Canadian Sheep farmers and puts important nutrients back into our soil.

You can find more information about Wool Pellets here, including how to use them for your garden and houseplants!

Recommended bag size for gardens:
2kg bag = 50 square ft garden
1kg bag = 25 square ft garden
500g bag = container/porch garden boxes or planters
250g bag = small house plants

Long Way Homestead Wool Pellets 1kg

Long Way Homestead

CAD $28.95
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